Monday, January 27, 2014

Daily Circle 1 / 26 / 2014

Ok so lets start off the day with a blessing:

May this day be blessed with gifts
Lessons, understanding and friends
May my energy be a gift to all I meet

Let me be centered, healing and open
May I face the day with courage
kindness, insight and compassion

May my spirit and body, honor this day

Ok so today i'm going to be reviewing a book i just purchased:

Ok so about a month ago men and my fiancee bought our first copy of Book Of Shadows New Generation Solitary Witch from Silver Ravenwolf. 

Prior to buying a copy for our own collection we had been using a friends copy they hadn't been using. Now that i am done reading the book, all i have to say is that it is now up with our most treasured of books. 

What is covered in such a great book as this you ask? well that is a great question my avid readers. not only is this book laid out in a form that it is easy to find even the most specific bit of knowledge, but unlike most pagan based books, it will start off with the basics and from there go into a more in depth look at things like correspondence tables, Gods & Goddesses, Alchemy, Angels, and much more. 

Just on the sheer size alone shows that many other books couldnt hold a stick up to the mass of knowledge. 

That is why I am giving this book: 4 Out Of 5 Pentacles

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Daily Circle 1 / 25 / 2014

Ok so the past few days have been a little rough. i came down with a head cold so the Daily Cirlce didn't end up getting done. But fear not, for i am here to day to give the Daily Circle what it deserves.

So we start off today with a simple blessing:

May this day be blessed with gifts
Lessons, understanding and friends
May my energy be a gift to all I meet

Let me be centered, healing and open
May I face the day with courage
kindness, insight and compassion

May my spirit and body, honor this day.

Ok. so today i wanted to talk about something a friend of mine requested I cover on the blog. The past few months, covens in my area have sprung up that incorporate sex and drugs into their coven rituals.

Don't get me wrong, sex magick is a high level of practice. But drugs? mainly things like marijuana and damiana ( all mind altering drugs). And its really not even the fact that they are doing these acts in a coven environment, but they are mandatory practice for entry into the coven. I am very glad that i run my coven with my coven members opinions in my mind when making a decision like that ( not that i would). so should drugs belong in a magickal enviroment? should people be made to have sex for initiation? you tell me your opinion in a comment below. let your voice be heard.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Daily Circle 1 / 17 / 2014

Bright Blessings everyone!!!

Welcome to the first post of a new daily tradition. i wanted to start today off by bringing a spell to the table that i think could help a lot of us, me especially.

Sleep Spell

By this candle i do sleep,
Hidden from the day in the night so deep,
O lady moon, guide my dreams,
Cover me with your beautiful beams.
As the candle flame dies,
Please close my eyes

Allow me to wake,
In the light of the sun.

Wow makes me tired already.

Daily Circle

Ok well the start of this new blog marks an important chapter in my life and in my spiritual growth. every day I'm going to be making a post, what i call a "Daily Circle". In that, i will go over current thoughts, daily pagan news, and sometimes add in a ritual or spell for the day ahead. so welcome to my blog!!!